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Porter Airlines was founded on February 2, 2006. Since the beginning, there were lot controversies.

Not everyone wanted an airport nearby. Especially people living beside the place where airport was was

being built. The resident thought it would create unnecessary noises and pollution. Loud noises

and excess pollution give off by the airplanes will be hazardous for the residents. At the end, they came

up with a deal that benefited both our business and their health. We made a deal that our airplanes will not operate after 11:00pm to reduce noises.

After that, we had to build a bride that will allow passengers to drive to the airport. Unfortunately

lot of problems made it impossible to build the bridge. Fortunately, there is a ferry that passengers can take for a small ride to the airport where

they will get on the airplanes. That is how our business got started. Now it is a big success. Our

daily customers are mainly business people and tourists. Everyone is welcome on our flights!